Breaking the Binge Habit
When we don't look at the powerful feelings that compel us to eat it's like expecting willpower to stop a runaway train.
Summer Special
Lower Price + Coaching*
Purchase the course between July 5th - July 12th, 2024 and get a 60 minute personal session. *Limited to the first 10 individuals who purchase the course.
I'm offering personal support to answer questions, do 1:1 coaching and keep you on track with the daily practices to help you reach your goals and get the most out of this course.
Summer Special Price for Course + Coaching* - Just $97.00
The course is on sale until July 31st for $97.00
(Regular price for the course alone is $247.00)
You promise yourself to stick with your latest food plan, then suddenly, you find yourself eating all the foods that are "bad" for you - sugary, fried, baked goods and ice cream.
It's a free-for-all as you give in one more time.
There's some relief to just say, "Who cares, why not...I deserve it.", until you feel stuffed and snap out of your eating-coma full of shame and shocked that it's happened again.
All you to feel normal around food, not lose control, and not think about your weight or body.
If you could just:
- Stop trying different diets and food plans.
- Eat a couple of cookies and not the whole box.
- Order what you want in a restaurant instead of the "healthy" choice, then go home and secretly eat dessert .
- Not be constantly thinking about what you just ate and what you're going to eat.
- Feel good in your body.
I understand.
It took me a very long time to reach out for help after a decade of dieting, trying different types of exercise and fitness programs, and bulimia. But, once I became aware of all the reasons for my eating behaviours my relationship with food transformed. Food lost its power and it's still "just food" and not an issue for over 25 years.
Food and body issues had taken up so much of my life, I was just happy to leave it all behind, enjoy food and feel content in my body. But I couldn't ignore what an immense issue this really is and the collective impact it has when millions of women spend their days and life energy in this battle. I see how much women take for granted that it's:
- "Normal" to struggle with food and diet.
- "Normal" to be unhappy with your body.
- "Normal" to be even more unhappy with your body as you age.
Breaking the Binge Habit is an introductory course to help you shift from diet thinking to a self-determined approach to eating. It's a part of the work I call, "The Feminine Path to Well-being" - a new approach to health and fitness that:
- Teaches how to trust in the wisdom of your body to choose what and how much to eat,
- Works with feelings and emotions instead of numbing them.
- Supports personal and spiritual growth that comes from healing what is at the root of food and body issues.
Imagine what would happen if all the time, money, and energy that goes into this food issue was freed up and you could get on with life?
This course will help you find that kind of Freedom.
"It was fascinating, motivating, useful, refreshing and most certainly offered an empowering new way for me to look at this habit."
- E.C.
What you'll walk away with after completing the course.
- Strategies to slow down and stop binge-eating and mindless eating.
- A new perspective on food and eating that takes all the emotional charge (guilt and shame) off food.
- Enjoy foods that were "off limits" without losing control.
- End the cycle of restricting and bingeing.
- Meet your emotional and physical needs without depending on food as therapy or your best friend.
- Develop a deeper trust in yourself when it comes to food and eating.
- See a path to weight loss that comes from a healthy relationship with food vs. having to only eat "healthy" foods.
- And...a deeper appreciation of your body.
Course Details
There are 7 lessons and each lesson introduces you to a new insight, tool, or strategy to start to rewire your eating habits.
You can do this course over 7 days or 7 weeks. Once you purchase the course you have access to all the materials in the program.
This course is different in 4 key ways from conventional approaches:
- Consciously using Kindness as a tool for change.
- Understanding your Brain better reduces self-blame and improves your control with eating.
- You learn to work with your Body instead of try to fight the powerful urge to eat.
- Breathwork is a powerful tool to feel calm so you can feel in control with food.
This course doesn't teach a prescribed way of eating because it's a shift away from diet mentality and restrictive eating. I don't talk about what you "should" eat in any of the lessons.
- Diet or Restrict certain foods or fast.
- Summon willpower or clear your kitchen of any food or drink.
- Start a new exercise program.
- Track calories, carbs, etc.
Breaking the Binge Habit includes:
- 6 modules with video lessons where I describe the strategy and walk you through how to implement it.
- 1 audio lesson where I talk you through a Mindfulness and Somatic (body-based) practice to use in the moment you feel out of control.
- 1 Workbook - a Downloadable PDF file that includes the worksheets for each lesson and extra worksheets to help you track feelings and habits. You can use the workbook digitally or print out to create workbook and journal to write in.
This is a self-study course. The course is designed to go through one lesson each day for a week as the techniques build over the 7 days. It's recommended you do the course over one week, but you can move through at your own pace on your own schedule. Each lesson is rich with content so you may want to come back to it after going through the first time.
Course Curriculum
StartLesson One - Focused Change. (12:00)
StartLesson Two - Willpower isn't a Strategy. (10:43)
StartLesson Three - Eating and the Reptilian Brain (10:48)
StartLesson Four - The Pause Technique
StartLesson Five - Taking the Focus off Food and Your Body (9:37)
StartLesson Six - Brain Chemistry (11:44)
StartLesson Seven - Kindness, Compassion + Curiosity (23:31)
Your Instructor
Hi I'm Helen. I'm a Somatic Psychotherapist, Women's Wellness Coach. My journey in health and healing began when I became a Massage Therapist. In my professional life I thrived. Living and working in a ski resort was a dream lifestyle, except, I secretly struggled with bulimia. Even though this was a daily issue, I still didn't realize that my food and body issues were running my life. Eventually, the relationship havoc, hidden unhappiness and emotional pain couldn't be ignored. I made a commitment to myself to end my food issue. This led to an immersion in healing and the study of mind and body health practices from traditional medicines and western science. I have a BSc. in psychology and an MA in Somatic Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies.
I have an endless passion for helping women discover that when they heal their relationship with food, their body and themselves, they are free to feel confident and be at peace in themselves.
To help women be free of dieting and Diet Culture, I've developed an approach to health and fitness that is Simple, Sustainable, Soulful and Sane. It's called the Feminine Path to Well-being.
I have a private psychotherapy practice, offer personal wellness coaching, and speak to groups and companies about emotional well-being.
"I really learned a great deal from your sessions. Although I don't believe I have serious issues with food I did feel I can apply the practices you provided to recognize my own reasons for seeking out foods and other comforts that do fail to comfort.
I've been using this when I eat to remind myself when I'm nearly full as opposed to continuing to clean up my plate."
Breaking the Binge Habit
Frequently Asked Questions
Wouldn't it be nice to just feel normal around food?
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